
"use strict"

const builder = require("electron-builder")
const Platform = builder.Platform

// Let's get that intellisense working
* @type {import('electron-builder').Configuration}
* @see https://www.electron.build/configuration
const options = {
  protocols: {
    name: "Deeplink Example",
    // Don't forget to set `MimeType: "x-scheme-handler/deeplink"` for `linux.desktop` entry!
    schemes: [

  // "store” | “normal” | "maximum". - For testing builds, use 'store' to reduce build time significantly.
  compression: "normal",
  removePackageScripts: true,

  afterSign: async (context) => {
    // Mac releases require hardening+notarization: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution
    if (!isDebug && context.electronPlatformName === "darwin") {
      await notarizeMac(context)
  artifactBuildStarted: (context) => {
  afterAllArtifactBuild: (buildResult) => {
    return stampArtifacts(buildResult)
  // force arch build if using electron-rebuild
  beforeBuild: async (context) => {
    const { appDir, electronVersion, arch } = context
    await electronRebuild.rebuild({ buildPath: appDir, electronVersion, arch })
    return false
  nodeGypRebuild: false,
  buildDependenciesFromSource: false,

  directories: {
    output: "dist/artifacts/local",
    buildResources: "installer/resources"
  files: [
  extraFiles: [
      from: "build/Release",
      to: nodeAddonDir,
      filter: "*.node"

  win: {
    target: 'nsis'
  nsis: {
    deleteAppDataOnUninstall: true,
    include: "installer/win/nsis-installer.nsh"

  mac: {
    target: 'dmg',
    hardenedRuntime: true,
    gatekeeperAssess: true,
    extendInfo: {
      NSAppleEventsUsageDescription: 'Let me use Apple Events.',
      NSCameraUsageDescription: 'Let me use the camera.',
      NSScreenCaptureDescription: 'Let me take screenshots.',
  dmg: {
    background: "installer/mac/dmg-background.png",
    iconSize: 100,
    contents: [
        x: 255,
        y: 85,
        type: "file"
        x: 253,
        y: 325,
        type: "link",
        path: "/Applications"
    window: {
      width: 500,
      height: 500

  linux: {
    desktop: {
      StartupNotify: "false",
      Encoding: "UTF-8",
      MimeType: "x-scheme-handler/deeplink"
    target: ["AppImage", "rpm", "deb", "pacman"]
  deb: {
    priority: "optional",
  rpm: {
    fpm: ["--before-install", "installer/linux/before-install.tpl"],

// Promise is returned
  targets: Platform.MAC.createTarget(),
  config: options
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {