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The top-level dmg key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build DMG.

DMG License

To add license to DMG, create file license_LANG_CODE.txt in the build resources. Multiple license files in different languages are supported — use lang postfix (e.g. _de, _ru)). For example, create files license_de.txt and license_en.txt in the build resources. If OS language is german, license_de.txt will be displayed. See map of language code to name.

You can also change the default button labels of the DMG by passing a json file named licenseButtons_LANG_CODE.json. The german file would be named: licenseButtons_de.json. The contain file should have the following format:

  "lang": "English",
  "agree": "Agree",
  "disagree": "Disagree",
  "print": "Print",
  "save": "Save",
  "description": "Here is my own description"
